Flight + Hotel
Sells packages on the fly
If there's one thing travelers value, it's ease and security when it comes to booking. Go ahead and offer the Flight + Hotel package directly from your hotel's official website thanks to this fully integrated and optimized solution for your direct sales.
The keys to Flight + Hotel
Your income will take off
Look at the data: average booking stay increased by 2 nights, average lead time increased by 20 days, average booking price increased by 10% and cancellation rate reduced by 50%.
Everything from your control tower
Fully integrated with Roiback's Booking Engine, access all airfare inventory of scheduled and low cost carriers and gain full control of sales and customer database.
Look&Feel with height
The Flight + Hotel section on your website is fully customizable, adapting to your hotel branding like a glove. In addition, increase the perceived value of your customers by offering this innovative solution.
Main functionalities
Integrated with Roiback's CRS
This seamless connectivity brings numerous benefits:
Facilitates the management of prices and restrictions of the tariff you want to use from the Roiback CRS, without the need to duplicate it.
Confirmation of the hotel reservation associated with the package occurs in real time in the Roiback CRS, providing full control of confirmed and modified reservations.
Possibility of impacting your customers who have booked a Flight + Hotel with loyalty and cross-selling actions.
In your direct channel reporting you will always be able to differentiate the sale of Flight + Hotel, facilitating the follow-up of this new product and the analysis of sales.

Customized design
From the main website design, the Flight + Hotel section will be customized, which will contain offers and travel plans based on the hotel profile, and its entire booking flow.
The engine is dynamic and configurable: it defines the type of search according to the hotel's needs.
Offers searches by destination and by hotel
The user journey is always kept in the hotel's main domain, which ensures continuity in the booking process and reduces the probability of abandonment.

Ad hoc rates
All packaged tariffs to be offered are managed from the existing Roiback CRS.
The package price is opaque: the price of airfare and hotel are not broken down separately.
To create the package, it is as easy as creating a special rate or discount to package in the Roiback CRS.
This rate will only be used in the direct channel packaged product and will not be accessible in the regular room only booking process.

Different forms of payment
100% online payment: your customer will prepay 100% online through various payment gateways such as Global Collect, Ingenico or Paypal.
2. Payment at the hotel: your client will only pay online for the flight, knowing that he/she is anticipating part of the package. The accommodation part of the package will be paid upon arrival at the hotel.

Extra services
To complete the experience, during the booking process you can also offer round trip transfers, cars, ferries, trains, cancellation or travel insurance. Your client will pay for the Flight + Hotel package and these extra services at the end of the booking process.

"One of the many things we love about Roiback is that it requires minimal time from our developers to keep it running the way we want."

Private Customer