Tafer Hotels & Resorts

Booking Center

October 22, 2024

TTV Reservations Booking Center from 2019 to 2023
ADR Reservations Booking Center from 2019 to 2023
TTV growth in 2024

About Tafer Hotels & Resorts

Tafer Hotels & Resorts is a Mexican hotel chain with 5-star hotels in the main Mexican destinations such as Cancun, Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Mascota Jalisco and Sian Ka'an (https://www.taferresorts.com).

- Garza Blanca Puerto Vallarta

- Garza Blanca Los Cabos

- Garza Blanca Cancun

- Hotel Mousai Puerto Vallarta

- Hotel Mousai Cancun

- Villa del Palmar Cancun

- Sierra Lago

- Sian Ka'an Village

The challenge

Tafer Hotels & Resorts is a chain that has internalized the importance of the direct channel, with a clear strategy focused on this as its main distribution channel, and they needed a strategic partner to help them continue to grow in their Voice Channel, integrating it much more in their direct sales and their online 360 commercial strategy.

In addition, the chain needed an agile, operational tool that would offer a quote management solution to its reservations team, that would be very user friendly for the end customer and that would help increase conversion.

The solution

Tafer Hotels & Resorts, as part of its reliance on Roiback management, activated the Booking Center & RB Quotes solution to improve the management of reservations and the conversion of quotes sent from its Call Center department. The tool has allowed agents to quickly manage quotes, better control of demand, sales flow and conversion into bookings, integrating the display of loyalty rates and all the engine's logic into the sales process with just one click, thus facilitating the sending of personalized quotes, while retaining all the engine's power when quoting a reservation: markets, rates, offers, loyalty, complements or extras.

Awareness and quantity of 'live' promotions was another problem to be solved. The agile visualization of any current promotion applicable to a reservation allows the agent to have all the information on screen and its application in one click greatly facilitated the team's efficiency in increasing the conversion of the Contact Center.
The environment of this functionality keeps the same logic of the booking engine, the agent sees what the customer sees, and so he can guide him according to his needs and the commercial strategy is coherent. The agent has at his disposal many utilities to finalize the sale, including the available payment methods such as the "instant payment link" that allows the customer to finalize the payment of his reservation comfortably and in a totally secure way after completing the process.

In the success of Tafer Hotels & Resorts' sales performance, the activation of other solutions that support growth and strengthen its direct sales capacity, such as the implementation of a loyalty plan integrated with the chain's CRM or the use of Metabase as a technological and management solution for metasearch campaigns to attract qualified traffic, has also played an important role.

The results


So far this year, the Contact Center channel is growing
+13.97% in Total Transaction Value (TTV).

With a growth in ADR of:
+8.47% ADR

And a growth in bookings of:
+5.34% Number of Bookings


"At Tafer we have been working with Roiback for several years as one of our key partners in our strategy to develop our direct channel sales. One of the things we appreciate most about our relationship with Roiback is the openness they have in listening to our needs and seeing how they continue to develop new functionalities year after year that help us to remain at the forefront and be able to continue meeting the goals we set year after year and be competitive. But much more important than this, what we appreciate the most is their human capital. Without a doubt, the team that serves us at Roiback is spectacular. From the effort they dedicate to resolve each of the situations that arise to all the insights they share with us about the industry, they have made it possible for us to continue growing and developing our business relationship. We are very grateful to the Roiback team for their passion and commitment to Tafer Resorts, thank you very much Roiback!"

Susana Ramírez
Vice President Sales and Marketing Tafer Resorts

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