New report of fraudulent prices in Google Hotel Ads
June 21, 2024

Since August 2023 there is a new way to report fraudulent prices from other distributors (OTAs, agencies...) in GHA, both paid ads and free booking links.
Now you can make these reports yourself in the hotel profiles of the hotels you are managing in Google.
The steps to follow are as follows:
How to report distributors who participate in paid and organic links:
- Go to Google Travel
- Find the hotel with which you have a pricing problem.
- Click on the"Pricing problems" link at the bottom of the page.

- Select the distributor name in "Which site did you visit?*" (Both organic and paid campaign partners will be shown) Select the distributor that is showing an incorrect price

- Describe the pricing problem.
- Click on the Submit button.
Once you submit the price violation request, the Google team will review the request and, if necessary, take appropriate action. The process usually takes 7 business days.
Remember that this new tool should only be used to report price violations:
- If the advertisement or free booking link of the distributor is showing a cheaper price than the one that appears once we land on their website.
- If the price matches but is not bookable (i.e. if you try to make a reservation the distributor's website returns some kind of error).
- If the price of the advertisement/free booking link does not include the amount of local taxes of the hotel destination in the total room rate.