Roiback doubles its R&D investment by 2023


March 1, 2024


Palma de Mallorca, Spain, January 16, 2023 - Roiback announces that it will double its investment in research, development and innovation (R&D&I) by 2023, reinforcing its leadership through a clear commitment to innovation focused on strengthening the direct channel for independent hotels and hotel chains.

This additional investment will be mainly allocated to projects related to intelligent data management, digital marketing tools for its customers, specific payment solutions for the hotel sector, new technologies for customer loyalty and increasing the availability of integrations through strategic agreements with leading companies in the tourism sector.

Continuing with the policy of working remotely to attract the best talent, the technological development team of the Mallorcan company is expected to expand, with the incorporation of new computer engineers and product managers.

This major commitment to innovation is part of the significant increase in turnover experienced in 2022 in which it tripled the levels of 2019, reaching almost €1 billion in sales for its hotel customers.

The company aims to accelerate the growth in sales and profitability of the direct channel of hotels using its technology, improve end-customer satisfaction and provide new sources of revenue and cost reduction for independent hotels and hotel chains.

The hotel technology ecosystem is becoming increasingly complex, which is why Roiback continues to invest in research and development and offers its customers a wide range of solutions within its suite of products with the aim of facilitating the use of any technology demanded by hotels.

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