The value of people in agile methodologies


March 1, 2024



Lately we've been hearing a lot about agileagile, agility, agile methodologies, etc. But what exactly is agile? It is a work philosophy used by the most innovative companies to manage their projects and that allows helping people to work as a team to achieve their business goals, always keeping in mind a simple and powerful requirement, people.

Human capital is one of the most important components of every company. It is of vital importance to always keep them in mind and help establish a horizontal way of working, where teams self-organize and manage themselves. These teams must be made up of multidisciplinary profiles that are passionate about their work.

One of our main objectives is to be highly competitive, providing our partners with the best alternatives to meet their needs. Thanks to agile methodologies, we have the tools to identify the components that bring the most value to our clients.


There are three concepts that must be taken into account when talking about digital transformation: business, technology and culture. Understand the business to be able to exploit it digitally, know the technology to drive the business on the Internet and understand the culture to work on the product. To be clear about what really adds value to customers, these elements must be perfectly integrated.


We can use the example of the expert American consultant, Jeff Patton, on the concept of value. We have to deliver €20 to our client. In the traditional project management model, we would have a €20 bill cut into 20 pieces. The team's job will be to put the bill back together until it is completed by a certain date. It is likely that when the delivery date arrives, the bill will not be completed and therefore no value will have been delivered to the customer.

In project management with the agile method1 coins would be collected and delivered in the shortest possible time to the customer, so that we are delivering value before we have the entire finished product.


For some years now, here at Roiback we have been working with agile methodologies. One of our main objectives is to be highly competitive, providing our partners with the best alternatives to meet their needs. Thanks to agile methodologies we have tools to identify the components that bring the most value to our customers.

As I mentioned earlier, one of the fundamental factors when we talk about agile methodologies is people. Everyone can contribute with their experience and common sense to improve processes through observation, inspection and adaptation, always in search of continuous improvement. Agile helps to establish a plan, taking into consideration that it may fail, so it is important that the plan is simple but provides value to the product. Using agile methodologies contributes to enhance creativity and originality in the development of tasks, products or services, since there is no magic recipe.

Change is important, transformations are complicated, but if we do not change anything, we will inevitably be obsolete. In short, change is necessary and the sooner we find strategies to respond quickly to changes (increasingly aggressive and demanding in the market), the more competitive we will be. Undoubtedly, we are on the right track thanks to the valuable human talent that is part of the Roiback family.

In future posts I will talk to you about the different strategies and tools we are relying on in our digital transformation process using agile methodologies.

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